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Ways to Relieve Stress: Part One

Brewster has begun to deliver the COVID vaccine to our staff and residents. This has brought much joy to our campus, however, the daily stressors are always there to be managed.

To help with the managing, Brewster Place has answers and amenities.

Find Humor -“If one has no sense of humor, one is in trouble.” Betty White

Laughter is the best medicine! Studies have shown that laughing is therapeutic and healing. While life isn’t always funny or enjoyable, having a positive attitude and surrounding yourself with optimistic people watching enjoyable videos can go a long way in improving your mood.

Always be on the lookout four Brewster’s J& J Show! If you are ever in need, my friends Jamie and Julie are there to provide a good laugh.

Brewster Living’s Videos on Vimeo

Exercise -If not now, then when?

Our bodies have endorphins and natural chemicals that enhance our well-being. When we are active those feel good endorphins and chemicals are triggered and can create an instantaneously positive feeling. Exercise can also refocus your mind and help the day’s frustrations fade away. It has also be proven that exercise can help you sleep better.

Committing to 30 minutes a day of physical activity, three or more times a week can help reduce stress.

Brewster has many exercise class on campus and you can even do them from the luxury of your own home!

Happenings | Brewster | Topeka, Kansas (

Eat Well – You got to nourish in order to flourish!

Our lives have become so busy that it is easy to just reach for the most convenient food regardless if it is healthy or not.  Eating refined carbs like cookies and potato chips can spike your blood sugars. When blood sugars spikes you could experience more stress and anxiety. This underscores the saying “you are what you eat”!

Eating healthy supports mood regulation and energy balance. Brewster has multiple dining venues on campus that provide healthy meals

For more details you can see my previous post on foods to focus on. “Take care of your body- It’s the only place you have to live” Jim Rohn – Brewster Place (

Sleep – Invest in Rest!

Have you ever been lying in bed at night and had trouble falling asleep, thinking about all of the things that you have to get done? I know I do! Unfortunately, this causes us to feel even more exhausted and stressed and often too tired the next day to get those things you worried about accomplished. Sleep helps our brain and bodies recharge. Getting a good amount of quality sleep can affect our mood, energy level, concentration and overall functioning.

Before bed try listening to music, rubbing lavender oil on your wrists, write in a journal, meditate, or work on a puzzle. Anything that is relaxing to you.

Stress is always going to come and go, however I hope these tools will help you manage your stress. Feel free to comment if you have any other ways you handle stress. I would love to hear them 🙂

My next blog, we’ll continue with stress and look at why you should add some SAS to your life: Socialize, Attitude Support!

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