Enjoy the amenities of Brewster while living at home!
BrewsterConnect is all about making your life easier, healthier, and more satisfying even before moving on campus!
BrewsterConnect is a membership-based group with no contract that works to enhance wellness and provide social opportunities for the 55+ population in Topeka and surrounding areas by providing a variety of programs, activities, and opportunities that focus on social, physical, and mental well-being. Wellness. Socialize. Community. There are countless ways and opportunities to explore new adventures and interests while enjoying a BrewsterConnect membership!
Membership Benefits
- Use of our indoor, warm salt water pool *
- Use of Brewster’s 2 on-site wellness/exercise centers
- Health and wellness classes, seminars and support groups
- Exercise classes, including, but not limited to:
- cardio splash
- low-impact aerobics
- Tai Chi
- senior circuit training
- weights and Theraband
- senior yoga
- balance and breathing
- general conditioning

- Resident pricing at Brewster’s on-campus dining venues
- Access to full service salon and spa
- Enjoy Main Street at Brewster including The Market (bistro and convenience store) and Brewster Chapel
- Games, cards, clubs, Pickleball and other activities
- Out-of-town day trips, as well as longer two or three day trips at resident pricing
- Educational programs and seminars including the KU Osher Lifelong Learning Series and Humanities Kansas Book Talk
- Art classes including watercolor, oil painting and open studio time
- Use of the woodworking shop** and our state-of-the-art painting, crafting and quilting studios.
- Weekly Socials in the Pavilion

* A consultation with an exercise specialist is required before accessing the pool.
** An orientation is required before accessing the woodshop. There is also a $50 access fee.
BrewsterConnect is the perfect way to find out how you would experience being a part of the Brewster family! If you haven’t started to think about your future, sooner is much better than too late. As a BrewsterConnect member, you are surrounded by no maintenance, no need to make arrangements for activities, and you’re in the middle of a community that is fun and full of fellowship! We all want to be a part of something, to belong someplace! At Brewster Place, you are part of a community that provides peace of mind in letting you design your own life plan that gives you more time to do what you love, living life to the fullest each day!
Contact Sales & Marketing to learn more about the variety of lifestyle options we have for you and let us help you create your future!
Brewster Place Sales & Marketing
785-274-3351 or 785-274-3314