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Living in the Time of COVID

Grant Yourself Some Grace


A ll of us are faced with daily uncertainty about how long the COVID- 19 situation will last and where it will take us, both individually and collectively. Our lives have been stripped down and we need to be very intentional about protecting our mental health. I want to share five practices to help guard your heart and mind during this time.

Be Good to Your Body

Mental health starts with physical wellness. Growing research supports our intuitive understanding that the mind and body are intimately connected. Make sleep a priority, move every day, and eat well.

Follow a Schedule

Spend time in the sunlight to help establish a healthy circadian rhythm, go to bed and get up at the same time every day, eat your meals and exercise at a consistent time, bath regularly, work on projects at dedicated times throughout the day.

Be Kind to Your Mind

Your thoughts are powerful. You don’t have to believe everything your thoughts tell you. Direct your attention and re-frame the problem; we can dwell on struggles or on opportunities to love each other through this time. Practice gratitude, appreciate what we still have: people who love you, a home, food, and your health.

Find Moments of Stillness

Set aside time to regularly release nervous energy, draw some deep breathes, unplug from technology, get outside.

Share Love

Reach out to your family/friends/faith community through social media and phone calls. Remember to let those around us know how much they are loved and appreciated.
More than anything else, grant your-self some grace. This is a difficult and stressful time as you adapt to a completely new situation. There’s no need to aim for perfection in how you manage your mental health—you’re going to feel anxious and off balance at times as you find your equilibrium, and lose it, and then find it again. You’re doing the best you can, and that’s enough.

(portions borrowed from: https://blogs.webmd.com/mentalhealth/20200320/5-ways-to-guard-your-mental-health-during-the-covid19_outbreak)

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