The Brewster Place community is made up of the Silent Generation (1928-1945) and Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964). These generations have lived through significant changes in their lifetimes! While celebrating Labor Day this weekend, think about how have our elders adapted to changes in the workplace over the years?
Most obviously, seniors have had to embrace technology. Ask an elder you know about how s/he adapted when computers emerged, learning to use new productivity tools, adjusting to new work environments and communication tools.
Many were committed to lifelong learning to stay relevant in their jobs through continuing training, additional certifications and degrees and/or by participating in mentorship programs, both as mentors and mentees.
Work environments changed along with evolving technology. Collaboration became easier to access. Productivity requirements increased. Diversity and inclusion initiatives have been embraced.

Others chose to follow other career opportunities by transitioning to different fields, exploring entrepreneurship and self-employment options or using their experience in consulting or advisory roles.
Most of our Brewster Place residents are retired now. They’ve shown remarkable resilience and flexibility in the face of significant changes in the job market throughout the years. They each deserve tremendous respect for their willingness to learn and continue to make valuable contributions in their lifetimes.
What are some of changes you went through in your career? What were some changes that you enjoyed the most? What advice would you give to your younger self as you faced these challenges?